CV and Resume
Curriculum Vitae 1. 1. Definition of CV and Resume The terms "CV" and "resume" are the most frequently used in the recruitment industry. Curriculum Vitae is abbreviated as CV in shorthand. A document that contains information about your accomplishments, experiences, and personal details is referred to as a CV or a resume. Both assist you in engaging in conversation during the interview. However, there is a small distinction between the two terms. A resume is a one- to two-page document that highlights important information about your skills, education, and professional experience. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a longer document that outlines your entire career path. A CV is used for academic purposes, while a resume is used for job search. 2. Function : Some function of the curriculum vitae that you need to know : - Introduce yourself to the company. - Classify applicants based on level of education and experience. - Know the abilities and skills of the applicant. ...